July 12 & 19: MASTERCLASS - Moving Beyond Hip Opening

Jul, 12, 2023: 10:00 a.m. - Jul, 19, 2023: 12:00 p.m.

Heart + Bones Online Studio

As a teacher, it's common for people to ask for hip openers but what does that actually mean and is it something our hips need? When you know the anatomy of "hip opening", it enhances your skills and confidence no matter what style you teach.

Join Brea for this stellar exploration of hips! This masterclass will consist of two workshops:

  • Part 1 explores the applied anatomy of the hips to redefine hip opening for improved cues and sequencing... even if you already have anatomy knowledge!
  • Part 2 gives you the tools for how to apply anatomy-informed movement to create accessible and inclusive classes for all bodies and abilities.

CLICK HERE to find all of the details and book your spot!

Please note that this masterclass is not included in your H+B membership and is paid separately.

See you there!