5 Days of Happy, Healthy Feet Challenge

May, 08, 2023: 06:00 a.m. - May, 18, 2023: 18:00 p.m.

Heart + Bones Studio!

Did you know that during an average day, the total impact your feet absorb is equal to the weight of a fully loaded cement truck?! Needless to say, taking care of your feet is an important habit.

If you have sore feet, plantar fasciitis, or want to transition to barefoot/minimal shoes and don't know where to start, this challenge is for you! Actually, if you have feet... this challenge is for you!

You'll receive daily videos to help you move and understand your feet better, and if you're a movement teacher, we'll also add some new ideas for your teacher toolbox! We also have lots of cool prizes to be won, so you'll definitely want to check this one out! ;)

Click here for all of the details.

Need help? We've got you. Send us an email at [email protected]