
So many great classes, all for you. Tight hips or shoulders? Want to relax and do some gentle movements? Only have 10 minutes? Feel confident that whichever class you choose, you are going to feel amazing.

Strength Assessments

Strength assessments from a physiotherapist to help you understand where you're at and what classes and movements are good for you.

Full Body, Upper Body, Lower Body, Neck & Shoulders, Hips & Glutes, Lower Back | 15 Min

REPLAY: Strong and bouncy legs

Pulse, bounce, rocking, flowing and repeat, as we explore finding stability and strong legs.

Lower Body, Hips & Glutes | 60 Min

Spinal Flow with a Chair

Unwind those sticky spots in your shoulders and upper back.

Full Body, Upper Body, Neck & Shoulders, Spine, Thoracic Spine | 30 Min

Gently Waking up the Body

Gentle, relaxing movements for all bodies.

Full Body, Upper Body, Lower Body | 40 Min

Fast Strength Flow

Quick, strong and fun!

Full Body, Hips & Glutes | 15 Min

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